Thursday, December 27, 2018

Tips on Buying Baby Eczema Cream Online

Does your wee suffer from itchy, dry, patchy skin condition possibly known as Eczema? It's really heartbreaking to see rashes on your young one’s skin and it's worse when he wails in frustration from that unbearable skin itch. Perhaps, this medical condition is severe and needs careful attention. So, in this post, we are going to shed light on what is Eczema, its symptoms and some remedies that may cure it. 

So, let’s get started...

What is Eczema? 

Eczema is a skin condition which generally appears in the first 2 years of a child. It is hereditary in nature. It means it can run in families (just like Diabetes, Weak Eyesight and other problems). It affects a baby’s cheeks, neck and joints of arms and legs. 

Fortunately, there is nothing to worry about the situation as we have come up with some tips to soothe your baby’s ailing condition.


  • Dry and sensitive skin
  • inflamed, red skin
  • Bad itching
  • Dark colored skin patches
  • Crusting or Oozing
  • Swelling

Some remedies to try :

1. Bathe your Baby: It helps in retaining skin moisture.

2. Moisturize baby’s skin: Apply some emollient on your baby’s face and affected areas. find some good moisturizer from the market which is steroid free. You can easily find some good and effective best baby lotion for Eczema

3. Pare Nails: To avoid infection you should pare toddler’s nail in time.

4. Wear clean clothes: Wearing Clean clothes help avoid germ and dust particles away from the body. So always put on your baby new clothes after every bath.

Still worried about your infant’s health or if these remedies won’t work try some emollient creams, or moisturizers. Don’t get confused about which one to buy, there are many online tips recommended by Dermatologists to buy best and safe creams online. Here are a few tips you should look at.


  • Prefer to buy Organic Products.
  • Choose Products with Natural Ingredients like Neem, Oatmeal as it acts as an emollient to Moisturize and heals Itchy Skin.
  • Avoid Steroidal Products as they tend to heal quickly but have side effects.
  • Choose best and reputed Brand products for better Results.

Want to buy Eczema cream online for your Baby? You are just one click away. At Harmony Glow, our products are 100%Proven by Dermatologists and Paediatricians. From lotions to creams, we offer a range of products that may help your kid to recover soon.

Wednesday, December 19, 2018

Anti-itch Cream for Babies to Soothe Skin Irritation

As your kid grows, several rashes and hives appear on his skin. Conventional doctors prescribe antibiotics, steroid creams, anti-itch cream for babies, and other remedies. There are different signs that show that your baby needs skin ointment. The signs include dry skin, infection, pimples, eczema, red skin, cracked skin, and more. There are a lot of ways to soothe your kid’s red skin and you may follow any to treat his skin problems.

You might have heard this phrase “Prevention is better than cure.” By taking some precautions, you can prevent your baby’s skin problems. In this post, we have shared some tips to prevent your kids’ skin allergies. Have a look at them:

  • Moisture your newborn’s skin with a sensitive cream after every bath.
  • Avoid using soap every day to give your baby a bath. Soap has some drying properties and they can make your baby’s skin flaky.
  • Keep your baby away from bugs and insects. Use nets on the windows to keep insects away.
  • Check the ingredients of all foods that you give to your babies to guard your baby against food allergens.
  • Adjust your baby’s room temperature wisely that is neither too cold or too hot.
  • Trim the nails of your baby on a regular basis to protect your kid from aggravating rashes.
  • Keep your baby away from an individual dealing with any kind of skin allergy.
  • Dress your baby in cotton and soft fabrics every time. Avoid synthetic material.

Follow these essential tips to keep your baby's skin clean, moist, and healthy. These simple and inexpensive tips work well to soothe your child and keep his skin healthy. You can keep your babies safe from skin problems by practicing proper hygiene and keeping their skin dry and clean as much as possible.

If you’re searching for a reliable ointment for skin soothing? You may rely on Harmony n Glow. Harmony n Glow is prepared by parents, for parents. This is the perfect itch and eczema ointment. We know the feeling of seeing your baby in pain and also understand how confusing and frustrating it is to find the best pimple treatment cream that you’re going to apply on your baby’s skin. To make it simple and easy for the parents, Harmony n Glow has created a plant-based ingredients’ combination. This cream is hypoallergenic and effective on the babies skin.

We have mentioned all the ingredients in our formula so that you can come to know what you are putting on your baby’s skin. Features of our anti-itch cream for babies:
  • Simple and plant-based ingredients
  • Hypoallergenic
  • Vegan and gluten-free
  • Complete transparency
  • 100% Chinese herb
  • 100% plant extracts
  • Aloe for soothing comfort
Purchase this cream for your babies to soothe their skin irritations and allergies. To ensure your baby won’t have any side-effect or reaction such as rash and hives, test Harmony n Glow on a small area and wait for 24 hours to check the result. To be on the safe side, you may consult your dermatologist before using.  

Wednesday, December 12, 2018

Tips to Calm Down Your Baby’s Eczema

Are you seeing tiny red bumps on your baby’s skin? Don’t neglect them as they might be signs of eczema. It is one of the most common medical conditions in kids in which patches of skin become craggy and cause itching. In severe condition, it may lead to skin infection and skin bleeding. 

So, before the situation becomes worse, being a responsible parent, you should find the right Eczema treatment for your baby.

In this post, we will be helping you identify the symptoms of eczema and also let you know how to care for an eczema baby. So, without any further delay, let’s get started.

Common Causes of Eczema

It is crucial to understand that genes may also contribute to eczema. In that case, you will need to consult a specialist who has years of experience. Sometimes, dysfunction of the immune system triggers this situation. 

The risk is higher in babies whose parents have the history of hay fever or asthma. In addition to this, the following situations might be responsible for eczema in children.  
  • Heat and Sweat
  • Scratchy Woolen Clothes
  • Dry Skin
  • Excessive use of harsh soap

How to Care for an Eczema Baby

Especially for new parents, caring for a baby with eczema can be a hard row to hoe. From identifying the symptoms to finding the appropriate treatment can be really burdensome. 

First of all, you should know that how does eczema look like. Usually, kids with eczema have itchy and red patches on the skin. In most cases, you will see these patches on cheeks, behind knees and elbow creases.  

Below, we have hoarded a few tips to care for an Eczema Baby

Feed Your Baby Smartly

Breastmilk is believed to be the best nutrition for babies at least for the first six months after the born. But breastfeeding may not be smooth for every mother. Mothers struggling with the same may consider buying an electric breast pump. Remember that breastfeeding also helps in soothing baby’s eczema to some extent.  

Give Your Baby a Bath Regularly

According to numerous doctors, you should give your baby a bath every day. It will add moisture to dry skin that is one of the major causes of eczema. However, make sure you’re using a fragrance-free mild soap. Also, don’t forget to apply moisturizer after bathing. It will soothe itching and dryness.

Note: Don’t use hot water for bathing as it can take out the moisture out of the body. It should be lukewarm.

Apply Skin Care Ointment

Always buy a baby’s eczema cream that is free from harsh chemicals. Look for a one that has all-natural ingredients. Don’t forget to check with dermatologist approval that is mentioned on the most skin care products.

Keep Your Baby’s Nail Short and Smooth

You never know even scratching the skin accidentally can prompt itching. Therefore, make sure your baby’s nails are smooth and short. If she/he is scratching at night put cotton socks on her/his hand. 

Final Words

You might have heard the quote, “prevention is better than cure”. So, it is better you avoid this situation. Wash every new cloth before you put it on your baby and use fragrance-free detergent to wash it. We hope this post will help you better care for an eczema baby.

Friday, November 30, 2018

Baby Eczema Cream - Bid Adieu to Eczema in Children

Nothing can feel so soft than the delicate skin of the newborns. It smells amazing and is 
buttery smooth. As baby’s skin is sensitive, it is prone to a wide assortment of skin conditions like diaper rashes, baby heat rashes, acne and baby eczema. Today, eczema in children has become common. If you are wondering what is eczema and what are its symptoms, causes and preventions, then in this blog we are going to shed light on it. Let’s get in...

What is eczema in Children?

Eczema is a condition that makes skin itchy, red and inflamed. It is often seen in babies and thus, considered as one of the common problems. There are a wide assortment of eczema in children but the common type if atopic dermatitis. This type of condition causes itchy, scaly and dry patches on the skin of the babies that often seen on face, scalp, and forehead.

Eczema in a New Born

Newborn eczema doesn’t look like adult eczema. It doesn’t appear in the hands, torso and feet, but you can see this red patchy, itchy and dry patch on the faces.

 In older babies

During the second half of the first year, your baby starts crawling and exploring the areas with her knees and hands. So, there are chances that they can be infected easily. You can see eczema on the elbows and knees of the children.

 In toddlers and older children

Children of 2 to 5 years are considered as toddlers. They often start to get eczema around
their ribs or lips.

Causes of eczema in babies

Unfortunately, there are many causes of eczema in children. It includes a child’s health
history or family history. Other than genetic makeup, the common triggers include -
  • Dry Skin
  • Irritants present in the air
  • Irritants present in the products
  • Allergies to pollen, dust, and pet dander
  • Gut flora imbalance
  • perspiration
  • Overactive immune response

How to prevent eczema flare-ups?

Keep your baby’s skin hydrated and moisturized- Make sure you moisturize the body of your baby every day. For that,

1. Use odour-free moisturizer
  • After bath clean the skin gently and apply moisturizer
  • Apply moisturizer to the face and whole body

2. Prevent Irritants

Many kids are sensitive to scratchy fabrics, so make sure-
  • Your kids are wearing 100% cotton clothing
  • Using fragrance-free and mild body cleansers
  • Use mild cloth detergent without perfume and dyes
  • Avoid using fabric softener

3. Tell your child, not to scratch

Scratching can lead to infection so make sure your children’s nails are properly trimmed and try to divert their mind from scratch.

4. Consult doctor

If allergies are caused by eczema, consult your doctor. It can be due to pets, dust mites, food or pollens. Make sure to consult a doctor before it gets worse.

Wrapping the post

When looking for the best solution, you can try baby eczema cream that can help your baby to get rid of eczema. Harmony and Glow is one of the leading online stores that offer baby eczema cream made of 100% plant extract. Made of all natural ingredients, it is gluten-free and keeps your baby’s skin soft, comfortable and hydrated.